Top 5 Tips for Making Your Magento Store Mobile-Friendly

how make my magento store mobile-friendly

how make my magento store mobile-friendly
Mobile phones have become the preferred means of online shopping, as customers prefer to buy through smart phones because it is very convenient and smooth, and with the emergence of the mobile shopping revolution, it has become necessary for e-commerce to improve its stores to display on mobile devices.

However, many of these shoppers complain that the pages are too small to clearly handle on mobile screens, and this calls for immediate action by every retailer to make their store mobile responsive regardless of the platform used to build it.

But if your store is built using a professional store platform like Magento then things are very easy as the expert Magento developers have implemented effective practices to make the store mobile compatible.

Update your store with the latest version

Magento Commerce aims to make shopping easy and seamless everywhere, as Mobile First Commerce helps optimize the store and make it compatible with smaller mobile screens.

Thus, if your website is running on some old version, the first thing you need to do is update it to the latest Magento Commerce version to ensure your store is mobile ready, has responsive features, and improved UX/UI.

Work on download speed

If your store doesn't load quickly on computers, it will be slower on mobile screens, and part of the design won't appear, or clicking some elements on the page won't work.

If most of your customers shop on mobile phones, improve load time with a caching plugin, and optimize photos and videos before you lose big in sales.

Providing simplified payment methods

  • The reason most people shop on mobile is the convenience of paying in one click using PayPal, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, or any other e-wallet, so improving mobile e-commerce includes improving payments too.
  • Magento community simplifies mobile payments with digital wallet integration, officially joining the Magento Community Initiative to gain access to apps like HiConversion that help improve the payment process.

Magento Store offers simplified payment methods

Reduce third party ads

If your Magento store is full of pop-up ads and floating tabs for offers and deals, this can annoy users viewing the site on mobile phones. So it's best to reduce or eliminate ads, and instead direct ads or deals to customers through their emails.

Replace heavy content

While high-quality content gives you a great opportunity for SEO, especially on larger screens, it can slow down the store's speed when opened on small mobile screens, as half of the content can fall off the display.

To improve the user experience on mobile devices you need to reduce the content and organize it into smaller sections, and having enough white space is very important for improving mobile readability.

There is no doubt that optimizing mobile e-commerce has become easier with professional platforms like Magento, so, don’t waste your time and effort with a non-optimized store which leads to a huge loss of sales, but go for a professional platform and expert team like Magento team to make your store great for traffic mobile.

How to add custom options to the products programmatically in Magento?

How to add custom options to the products programmatically in Magento store
Offering options to customize the product the way customers prefer it is a success and distinction for any company.

Magento 2 allows you to create multiple custom options from the backend. These custom options are displayed in the front end of the store and allow your customer to customize the product as needed for a variety of custom options.

From the backend, you can create custom product options manually by navigating the backend product edit page. Custom options can also be created and set automatically for the newly created product once the product is set up and saved from the backend.
