use competitor keyword analysis to improve your website rank

Use Competitor keyword Analysis To Improve By Website Rank

use competitor keyword analysis to improve your website rank

Checking how your competitors are ranking can be an excellent way to tweak your search strategy, do it better, and attract more customers.

How does competitor keyword analysis improve your website's ranking?

Staying competitive is conclusive, no matter what your industry.

In today's digital market, how can you effectively scope out the competition and discover how they can use search optimization to drive more traffic?

With competitor keyword analysis, of course.

By using a specialized tool to display the words and phrases used by your closest competitors, you can take advantage of the same process and adjust your overall strategy to attract the same audience.

This can also be an excellent way to troubleshoot some SEO issues and make it easier to spot new opportunities.

Let's dive in to discuss the process and why you need competitive keyword analytics as part of your omnichannel marketing strategy.

  • What is competitive keyword analysis?
  • The importance of competitive keyword analysis
  • How do you analyze competitor keywords?
  • Best Tools to Find Competitor Keywords
  • Conclusion: Analyze competitor keywords for SEO

What is competitive keyword analysis?

A competitive keyword analysis is a process of discovering which keywords and long phrases your competitors rank highly for.

By providing this information, you can then make decisions to try to rank higher than them or simply find holes in your content strategy that need to be addressed.

This type of analysis usually includes multiple data sets to provide insight into how well a particular website ranks for certain topics.

For example, there might be a section with a back cookie that shows details of all the different websites linked to your competitor.

It could also include a list of keywords they are ranking for and you're not, social media posts, or whether the content they're posting actually meets the user's intent.

Search Engine Optimization

The importance of competitive keyword analysis

A competitive keyword analysis is important because it provides the information you may not already have about the market you are in.

For example, you might not have realized that your nearest competitor has a main education section on their website that isn't linked to the home page, but offers a great deal of access to content tailored to their common target customer base and ranks well in SERPs for specific topics.

Or maybe you have issues with your SEO and can't figure out how the same local competitor regularly ends up with higher pages than you do on Google.

The competitive analysis gives you the data needed to make changes or identify issues with your existing campaigns.

However, the main reason to review your competitors' keywords regularly is that it gives you a pulse on the industry as a whole.

If everyone in your niche is having a problem with traffic, it could be a pervasive problem due to lack of interest, seasonal issues, or just a Google algorithm change.

How do you analyze competitor keywords?

In general, analyzing competitor keywords is not something you do on your own.

Of course, you can always type certain words or phrases into Google and see who's coming. But you will definitely want more information than that.

Using a special tool like the one we will summarize below is the best and most effective way to approach this process.

They have been specifically designed to make competitor keyword analysis simple and provide you with most of the information needed to make powerful decisions.

Best Tools to Find Competitor Keywords

Here are the tools we’ll be covering in this round-up:

Best Tools to Find Competitor Keywords

WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool

WordStream's powerful keyword research tools have access to an incredibly massive database containing a trillion keywords.

Despite pulling information from large sources, WordStream manages to keep things simple and easy to understand for the user, presenting keywords in a clear visual format.

For a free system, WordStream goes so far as to provide users with not one but four different tools.


It is one of the most widely used analysis tools, it provides very detailed reports on the ranking of your competitors and the various factors that contribute to it.

The best part is that they provide a domain comparison that makes it easy to see how the two domains are arranged in contrast to each other.

This means that you can add your website as one and your competitor's as another for a very in-depth analysis of where you are versus where they are.

This is also useful for seeing which parts of the content are performing best for each site as well.

Once you view this, you can see which articles or blog posts are performing best for you and your groupSemrush.


When it comes to competitive research, SpyFu is a tool dedicated solely to looking at others in your niche and making solid assumptions about how well they are marketing.

The dashboard provides clear information such as keywords, traffic, incoming clicks, vulnerabilities, and much more.

You also have the option to search for related keywords, which makes it easy to create your own campaigns to do a better job.

Additionally, SpyFu provides information on competitor ad spend, clicks, and monthly search volume.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

With this great tool, you can get information about all the first pages that have been rated for this topic.

It's also easy to break down the main theme of the keyword, giving you specific ideas about how your competitors are trying to rank for user intent.

This is excellent information to know as you develop your content marketing strategy.

As a side note, Keyword Explorer is just one of the many great SEO tools available from Ahrefs.


Ubersuggest is a multi-faceted tool that provides ranked comparisons, content ideas, backlink data, and more options, a great tool created by Neil Patel.

We are very fortunate to be able to generate a wealth of valuable keyword information. To use it simply enter your site URL and click search, then open the keywords dropdown and you will be able to choose from a variety of options you can use each of them to reveal different insights.

Conclusion: competitor keyword analysis for SEO

It's all fair in keyword analytics, We add this as a side note to help you remember that your competitors can always scale your business using the same information we provided in this blog post.

In fact, they probably already do if they have a fairly solid strategy or use a professional marketing team.

Nothing we have included here is any kind of secret. In fact, it's all industry-standard information.

This means that if you are familiar with performing competitor keyword analysis, it is important to realize that they may already be doing something similar to you or others in your field.

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